Levelling the Strat's frets and recrowning them.
Once I got close, the sand paper was swapped to 320 and then 600 grit.

This took about two hours, working slowly and checking often. Once the frets were levelled, each one was recrowned by hand with a little flat triangle needle file. I used cut up beer can to protect the rose wood. Unfortunately this was a dirty job, and I didn't take any photos.
Once the frets were recrowned, I polished them with 600 and 1000 grit sandpaper, then 00 steel wool and finally brasso metal polish.

I am really happy with how it came out. The nut is now a little high and needs to be brought down to replaced, so the open position chords and notes feel a bit different from teh rest of the neck, but the neck plays way better than before. The fret buzz is gone, the frets feel great, and the action could be set to play well up from about the 5th up. Right now I'm in not hurry to do the refret. I'll probably make a new nut first.
